Second EVIDENT paper published in Nature

On 3 February 2016 a second EVIDENT paper has been published online in the Journal Nature.

In the publication titled Real-time, portable genome sequencing for Ebola surveillance the authors devise a genomic surveillance system that utilizes a novel nanopore DNA sequencing instrument. In April 2015 this system was transported in standard airline luggage to Guinea and used for real-time genomic surveillance of the ongoing epidemic. The recent study presents sequence data and analysis of 142 EBOV samples collected during the period March to October 2015. The authors of the study were able to generate results less than 24 h after receiving an Ebola-positive sample, with the sequencing process taking as little as 15–60 min. Thus, it is shown that real-time genomic surveillance is possible in resource-limited settings and can be established rapidly to monitor outbreaks.

Get access to the Nature publication here:

An interview with the authors of the study has been published in The Guardian: